Pastor John:
I was wondering after reading this email, will there be God’s own children involved with
the nations of this world to hurt the Jews? I also wondered will this beast fool people with the Holy Ghost?
Hi Tony:
The only way for any of God’s children to escape being taken in by “the Beast” and his “false prophet” (Rev. 13) is to walk before God with a pure heart. Jesus said, “If it were possible, the very elect will be deceived.”
It troubles me to see how many of God’s people are deceived now by the spirit of antichrist. That is only a precursor to the deception yet to come, the deception that Paul labeled “a strong delusion”, which will lead to the “great falling away” from Christ that Paul predicted.
May God have mercy on us, and save us from the darkness that is coming. Don’t play around with sin, Tony. It is deadly.
Pastor John