
Pastor John,

Solomon had so much wisdom given to him from God yet in the end he sinned against God by marrying foreign woman and worshipping other gods. How come his wisdom didn’t stop him or warn him of the danger of doing this? Did he think he was so wise that he could escape the wrath of God? I am so confused how he could be so wise yet so vunderable. Is lust of the flesh stronger than the wisdom given from God? “God forbid” One more question, Is it because he did not have the holy ghost that he was not able fight the temptation of the flesh?

Thank you Pastor John for your dedication to delivering God’s word to the people.

Venus D

Solomon himself wrote, “There is no wisdom, or counsel, or understanding against the Lord.” What that tells us is that no matter what any man’s gifts are, if he “turns from the holy commandment given to him”, he will be destroyed. Regardless of how much wisdom Solomon had, he had to obey God, or his own wisdom would be turned against him. Solomon had some weeds in his character that he did not chop out of his garden, and in time, they grew so much that they overrode his devotion to God. That’s a warning to all of us.

Pastor John