the Spirit

Dear pastor John,

For years I have been wondering about the prophets in the old testament, and the apostles when they were with Jesus, ‘did they have the holy ghost’, and I have been praying about it. I was going to write to you and ask you for your opinion, but today I found the answer in the Pearl for November 24. I’m so relieved I have the full understanding now. I wish I could thank your dad personally, but I’m going to thank you for holding on to what he taught, so thank you instead!
I have been enjoying being in touch with Brad, and Vince a bit, and some others on facebook. Especially, I am learning a lot from Brad on Skype. He has encouraged me a lot to keep going and stick close to Jesus.
Bye for now,

Hello Raad.
Thanks for writing.
No one received the Spirit before Jesus paid the price for it. John said “the holy ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified” (Jn. 7:35). I am glad that you finally had your question answered. It is an important lesson to learn.
Pastor John