Satan tempting Jesus

Good Morning John,

I have been trying to find the answer to a question that I beleive you have addressed somewhere in chapter 6. In the chapter 6 notes it states that Satan would have seen Jesus in the wilderness as any other human and would have expected him to fail as others had done in the past.

My question is this. If Satan percieved Jesus as human, why would he temp him with things beyond human power to perform, like turning a stone into bread and throwing himself from a cliff. I am almost positive I have seen the answer to this question but like I said I cannot locate it now.


Hi, Tom.

Satan perceived Jesus as human but with a very close connection with God. And he knew that connection existed from the time Jesus was born, and that is why he envied Jesus and wanted him dead from the time he was born. According to the gospel written by God in the sky (Rev, 12), Satan is the one behind Herod’s effort to kill the baby Jesus.

As for having power, Satan had seen a number of earthly servants of God demonstrate great power, men such as Moses, Elijah, and Elisha. So, he would have had no problem thinking that Jesus, , since he seemed to be special to God might also have power.

Satan had no idea how much power Jesus really has.

Hope that addresses your question.

Pastor John