Is there a possibility that the Father is speaking of “bringing forth” the Son into view or revealing him? Looking around yalad seems nearly always to be connected with literal birth, but there are a few abstract uses such as in Proverbs 27:1. And in the Hithpael there is the sense of “to declare one’s birth (pedigree)”.
Hi Damien:
I think there is another figurative use of yalad in play here, in Psalm 2:7. Often, in the ancient world, when a great king installed another as subject king of a province or territory, he would re-name that lower king, as if that king were his son. Symbolically, in renaming the lower king, the greater king was “begetting” the lower king, the way a father names his son when he is born. Here, in Psalm 2:7, God the Father is speaking of installing Christ on his throne in heaven after his resurrection and ascension. So, yes, your gut feeling is right. The Father “begat” the son when he glorified him and placed him on the throne, thus revealing to be “Lord of Lords and king of kings.”