“Scripture” question

Hey Bro. John:

I heard someone “quote” this as scripture the other day: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In times past, I would have believed whatever someone said was a scripture, but I remember the story you told one time about your father and someone telling him they “got it out of the Bible”, and he said they must have “got it out” because it is not in there now! 🙂

So, my curiosity led me to check the concordance on this and to my surprise (I actually have heard this “verse” said so many times I think I believed it was in the Bible as such) I could not find it anywhere as they quoted it. Is this another one of those “man-made” verses, or is “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” reconfigured by Xns?

Made me think about how knowing what IS NOT in the Bible is just as important as knowing what IS in the Bible. Growing up around Xty, I know I heard so many things such as this quoted as scripture that I began to believe they were in there. I thank Jesus for purging our hearts and minds with his Truth!

Well, if this verse is in the Bible, I would appreciate your help in finding it. 🙂

Thanks again!

Sandy 🙂

In this case, Sandy, that saying is in the Bible, but not exactly as it is usually quoted. It is found in Luke 6:31: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”



Pastor John,

Concerning this scripture: Luke 6:31: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”

I have heard the same verse ‘quoted’ this way… “And as men would do to you, do ye likewise to them”. Wow, subtle change, and it sounds like it is in the bible!


Ha! Now, wouldn’t THAT be something, if Jesus commanded his disciples to do unto men the way men wanted to do to them! That attitude would have turned them into Christians, marching across Europe to kill Muslims and re-conquer Palestine, or burning people alive at the stake for not believing what they taught.
But come to think of it, I, too, have heard a “verse” quoted like that! It went, “Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you!” That has certainly been the way of Christianity, from its beginning.

You can trash that home-made “verse”, Kay, and Christianity with it. Stick with Jesus, who never said anything like that – ever.

Pastor John