What about angels?

Hey John,

Thinking about the nature of man, I thought of another question this morning. What about angels of the Lord when they appeared before man, e.g. the angel appearing before Manoah. Were these angels divested into men’s bodies and if so, were these men already living on earth as was Jesus?

Jim K

No, Jim, the angels were not in human bodies at all. The bodies of angels are invisible, heavenly bodies. They are not made of flesh, but they are shaped like men’s bodies. Also as with the fleshly bodies of men on earth, there are minor differences in the bodies of angels. Some angels, for example, are taller than others. I know that is true because I saw three angels once, and one of them was a little taller than the other two. Samson’s parents, Manoah and his wife, saw the angel they saw because God allowed them to see him. Usually, angels are invisible to us, but when God wants us to see one, what we see looks just like one of us. That is why the author of Hebrews could say that “some have entertained angels unawares.” All of us have, at one time or another, have probably met and talked with angels without being aware that we were doing so.

Thanks for the question.
