
Hey Pastor John,

I was wondering if you could answer a question that I think I’ve had for a while.  You’ve said before that Christianity was the anti-christ.  Is that just Christianity or is that all religions?  I guess it’s anything that pretends to be from God but isn’t?




Hi Maleah.

Good to hear from you!

You’re thinking in the right direction.  Any religion or philosophy that claims it represents the Father, other than the way the Father Himself established in Jesus, is unholy and it hurts people.  Such religions and philosophies give people a false sense of security and a false hope.  But to qualify to be “anti-christ”, a religion has to claim to represent the Son, not just the Father, and that is what makes Christianity the principal anti-christ religious system.  It claims to represent Christ, not just “God”.

In the first century AD, the Greek word “anti” did not mean “against” as much as it meant “instead of”.  So the “anti-Christ” spirit is a spirit that people receive instead of the Spirit of Christ.  This spirit does not speak in tongues or with “stammering lips” when it comes in, and John said that’s how we can always recognize the spirit of anti-christ from the real holy Spirit (1Jn. 4:1-2).

Thanks for writing.  God bless.

Pastor John