“Gird up the loins of your mind”

Hi John,

A few weeks ago I had a dream, and in the dream, the most important part to me was when I heard a voice say, “Gird up your loins”. I really felt like the spirit was saying this.

Last night, I heard a man quote that biblical phrase in the documentary we all watched last night, “Captivated”. I just would like to hear what you say this phrase meant when in times past it was spoken. I feel like the documentary last night was well worth seeing, and I am praying that Jesus will help us with moderation in all things.

Thank you,

Hi Caroline:

The way the man described it last night was right. Ancient, robe-wearing people had to tie up (“gird up”) their robes around their waist so that their legs would be free to run. It was a phrased used for ordinary people, not athletes. Athletes in the Ancient Greek culture did not wear any clothing at all when they competed, whether in races or other forms of athletic contests.

Then, the phrase,”Gird up the loins of your mind” means, basically, “Get ready to work!”
