Hi Pastor John,
What are we to do about Christmas & Easter? They had heathen roots, you know. Are we suppose to celebrate them?
P. W.
Well, since I kinda like fat jolly elves, I do the Christmas thing. But I’m not really into pink bunny rabbits, so Easter I can leave off.
Pastor John
Sorry, but I could not resist replying on this issue: I am not into pink bunny rabbits either, but those chocolate ones with the big ears are really good! You mean you have never found a chocolate bunny rabbit in your refrigerator with the ears missing?! 🙂 Well, I know what to get you for Easter. Don’t be surprised if the poor little bunny comes to you deaf.
Thanks, Sandy. I needed that.
Sheeesh! The way some people fear them, you would think that society’s holidays and customs were the devil himself. Everything in our culture had heathen roots; we can’t avoid all things on earth.
Don’t we have better things to pray about than Santa Claus? You know, I still cannot forget that minister down near Charlotte who, a few years back, waged a vigorous campaign against Barney, the purple dinosaur. Well . . . um . . . Shoot, I may as well go ahead and get it off my chest . . . I liked watching Barney with my kids. I never felt they were going to get demon possessed while singing “Yankee Doodle” with a dancing dinosaur.
The way I look at it, Christmas presents and chocolate (yes, I forgot about the brown bunnies) can be a lot of fun, and that’s about as deep as I care to get with all that stuff.
Amen, Pastor John and Sandy!
I like the time I get off from work with a lot of those holidays 🙂 and the fellowship we have during those days as well.  I will take all they will give me.
Now, how would we feel, Stuart, if we preached against Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc., and then the US Congress heard it and believed that doctrine and did away with all holidays? Now, wouldn’t we feel stupid! If those who preach against such holidays want to show everybody they really believe what they preach, then let them refused to have any of those days off! Let them all wortk straight through them all and show the world how happy a life that is.
Pastor John.