Where is the right church?

Dear Gary,

Thank you for your email and the mp3, and the lyrics. I’m sorry that I took so long to reply.

Would you please ask pastor John if he could recommend a church in Salem and/or Portland (Oregon) areas that is Spirit-filled, speaks in tongues, is on fire, and has SUCH a Sunday school for kids, too? I have went to 16 churches to my disappointment….

Thank you so much and God bless you and Pastor John


Hi Ling.

Thank you for writing.

I understand your disappointment. What you and many other dear children of God are looking for cannot be found in any church. You will frustrate yourself more and more if you keep looking for it there. Please do not follow the pattern of most who start out sincerely looking for the truth. After failing to find what their hearts are yearning for in a number of churches, they just settle for the “best” one they can find. God does NOT want you to settle for anything less than the way of the Spirit that His Son died for us to have!

You, and all of God’s people, would do well to have nothing to do with church religion, and gather instead in homes where the anointing of God is in charge. Trust God! Meetings do not have to be big to be holy and good. A few humble souls gathered together in Jesus’ name is absolutely sufficient for all your spiritual needs, as long as you and the others are free to be led by the Spirit.

Seek God, my friend Ling, not “the right church”. I despise church religion because I have learned that God and His Son despise it. Jesus died for us to have God’s kind of life; church religion was conceived by Satan and instituted by wicked men in order to to stifle it. Stay out of church, and stay pure and free.

God bless you as you learn to do things God’s way, and please let me know of any other questions you may have.

Pastor John