Leah’s Chapter 6 questions and comments

Hey Pastor John,

I’ve finished reading through the rest of the chapter and I really love it! Reading through the second section, it’s interesting to think of Jesus and Satan both being “servants of God”! Both were doing God’s will and it was perfect! Reading that, and then section 4 last Sunday with Aaron and Abby after breakfast brought some good feelings and conversation about how good it is to know that God really is the one in charge of everything, good and bad. Reading that saves you from fearing what Satan might do and makes you fear God and what he can do. That is the kind of fear I want, the kind that gets you somewhere and doesn’t hold you back.

I also liked the part in section 2 that talked about Satan’s “big chance”. I’ve never thought about it like that, that Satan would have looked forward to offering his position because he thought that meant a promotion for him! It is scary to think of how blind God can make you toward things if you are filled with pride and only want what is best for yourself and can’t see His plan! It’s a bad feeling to even get close to that.

I also thought it was sweet when talking about the story of Peter denying Jesus, and how Jesus asked him 3 times if he loved him. It seemed like Peter was given another chance to say 3 times that he does know Jesus and he does love him, even though his self-confidence was shot after denying him 3 times.

I LOVE the “Treason, Treason!” section 🙂

I have had a few questions along the way…
1. I think you said it before, but what exactly is the meaning of a “son of God” before the Spirit came?


Not to be flippant or anything, but the meaning was just “a son of God”, and apparently, it could apply to any rational created being.

2. What exactly did Satan know about “the Messiah” and wouldn’t he have asked God if he was someone special to Him like Jesus kept saying? I would think that Satan would have asked something.


All of heaven knew that Jesus was the Messiah, beginning before he was born. That is why there was such celebration in heaven as the shepherds saw outside of Bethlehem. Nobody in heaven knew what the Messiah would eventually do, other than rule the nations.

3. In section 5, you wrote that we now have to deal with the same spirits that those in heaven had to deal with…but what do you think that was? Did other angels or heavenly beings get tempted by Satan or were they influenced, what does that mean? That is interesting to think about.


Influence. Feelings. Wondering. That kind of stuff. No wisdom or knowledge of God, concerning good and evil. All of that was still hidden in the Son.

4. Don’t you think that maybe the Son did know about Satan being evil since the Son had the same spirit as God and they talked all the time, and he would have felt something from his Father?


You have the same spirit as God, and talk to Him all the time, and feel things from the Father. Do you know everything the Father knows?

Thank you again for sending this out for us to read, I have really enjoyed it! 🙂
I have attached a copy of the errors I found and some of them have a comment attached if it was unclear.


Thank you, Leah for the help!

You mentioned Section Two of Chapter 6. I have completely rearranged the first half of that section it and re-written parts. You can read it in the PDF document (chapters 1-6) attached.

You will notice some random notes along the way. Ignore them. I am not completely finished yet. But close, thank to you all!

Pastor John