RE: Wednesday night’s reading about the Temptation.
Okay, people’s image of Satan is usually with a pitchfork and tail but really that’s not how it is. Bekah asked if Satan wants the catholic or pentecostal; is it pentecostal since it is more like what he was used to? (or something along those lines)
This is what I gathered from what everyone was saying:
–> God- holy ghost, real, life, good, alive
–> Satan- holy ghost {dormant}, ceremonies (water baptism, communion, feet washing), like home to him but [in such things] he has control
–> Man- self willed, crazy, uncontrolled
Yes, that is right, except that Satan has never had the holy ghost. The holy ghost is God’s life, and only the Son had that. What he was good at is maintaining perfectly proper form.
Is this in the book somewhere?
Is what in the book? The issue of proper form instead of real life? Yes, there is a whole chapter coming up about that, chapter nine.
I feel like it would help people understand who Satan really is, and his point of view of things. If they get that image out of their head it would help move forward; it could make it easier to understand. They need to keep the holy ghost alive! If not, by going to the church, that is where Satan gets his foot in and the “dormancy” begins. I remember it being said about the image people have of Satan, but in tonight’s reading, I feel like it was very simple, black and white, of how it really is. That may already be in the book, but again, tonight it was just really clear. Maybe it’s just me understanding it better. But, the way it was said tonight made more sense!
Thank you for the questions, Danielle. It makes me glad to hear when something is easy to understand. The truth is always like that. Please pray that I can get the truth out there, as simple and good as it always is!
Pastor John