Jacob F

Pastor John,

I do want you to know I received the Baptism and so confused at times with the so called preachers that say we must be saved before receiving the Baptism. John, Satan is taking me for whatever he can! I need help!!!

Jacob F


Hi Jacob.

I assume that you received the real baptism of Christ and spoke in tongues when you received it. If so, I am very happy for you. It is a wonderful thing to be born of God. I hope that you give God and His Son all the glory for it and that you escape the trap of thinking that the religious system called Christianity had anything to do with it. It did not. The holy Ghost is the gift of God, not of man.

You will feel better and avoid a lot of poison if you forget about church religion and just stay at home and have peace with God. I pray that Jesus will give you someone with whom you can have fellowship in the light, but even if you can find no one, it is better than volunteering to sit in a pew and listen to false doctrine taught in the name of Jesus. I know some precious saints who live happy and godly lives with no one near them who understands the truth. You can do it, too, if you have to. Christ is sufficient.

Pastor John