hey pastor john
i just decided to check emails, but while we was working on the pool deck today we started talking about jews, because we was discussing physical-born jews in the flesh. the verse that i asked myself about, over and over, is “He is not a jew who is one outwardly and that is not circumcision which is outward in the flesh.” Over and over all day today in my mind. Then something hit me. Is it possible that a jew, born in the flesh, isn’t a jew until he receives the baptism in spirit. When paul said “he is a jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit”, is that when everybody, jew and gentile, becomes a jew in God’s sight? this is what i have been thinking on all day. Every time i tried to stop thinking on it it just came back stronger
i am in no way coming against any jews. as peter told corneilius when he fell down before him, peter said get up im a man just like you.
thanks, robert
Hi Rob:
You are thinking right. In Paul’s day, he was risking his life to teach that, and on several occasions, he was nearly killed because of it, just as Jesus told him he would suffer when he first called paul (Acts 9:16). It took great courage for Paul to stand for the truth as he did.
The same hatred is out there now, and when it is time, stubborn, rebellious children of God will lead the world to us just as Judas led the mob to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemene. May God give us grace to be faithful!
Pastor John