Prophecy of Baptism

Hi John,

Amy and I were reading in John 1 tonight, and we were talking about John the baptist’s conversation with the Pharisees.  They assumed that John was the Christ because he was baptizing people (Jn. 1:25).  I was trying to remember, where is it prophesied that Christ would baptize?


Hi Vince!

I used to ask the same question.  It is a reasonable question to ask, and here is the answer that the Lord gave me.

The word, “baptism” is nowhere in the Old Testament.  The only place in the OT that suggests that the Messiah would do what we call “baptize” people is from Deuteronomy.  There , Moses prophesied that God would one day “raise up a prophet like me”.  Moses was the only person in history (before John the baptist) to ceremonially wash people.  He washed Aaron and his sons, which began the Levitical priesthood for Israel.

So, when John came preaching and baptizing in water, the Jews who knew the scriptures recognized John’s unique ministry, and wondered if he was the Messiah.

 Thanks for the question.
