The very, very, very, beginning. really.

I have a new question that was asked me by a Xn with whom I was discussing the Trinity, and I mentioned your book on the Father & Son.

If Jesus, the Son, is God’s creation, how could he have been “with God,” from the very, very beginning? If the Word (the Son) existed from the “beginning,” does that not imply a co-eternal existence—the same as God, the Father?



Hi Brad:

The Son of God not only was with the Father in the “very, very beginning”; he was the very, very beginning of the creation of God. He himself said so (Rev. 3:14). Does your friend not know that God had no beginning? The Father existed before the beginning; that is He existed before the Beginning (the Son) was created. No matter how many “very’s” one puts in front of “beginning”, that still holds true.

Christians condemned a man named Arius many years ago for teaching this truth. One of the famous lines from Arius about the Son is this: “There was when he was not.”

Pastor John


Ahhhh. . . thank you very much. That explains it quite succinctly. :^) Praise God for this truth!!!! This very, very good truth!



Ha! Amen.
I mean, very, very, very Amen!
