Tithes and Offerings

Pastor John,

Thank you for sending me the information on fasting.

I just printed your information on tithing.

The very first time I wrote to you I explained i could not find a Holiness Church in my area. So my family and I have been having bible study/ prayer in our house. I drive up to my parents Church once a month. (I think you have been emailing with my mom’s cousin). They all go to the same church. So I go there once a month but other than that all of my church/ bible study is coming from PastorJohnsHouse.com. So, I am not truly tithing right now. This is becoming a burden on my heart.

Would I be wrong in feeling that I need to support and help your efforts along with my family’s church????

It has been 7 weeks since my back surgery. The doctors are telling me I should not travel for appoximately 14 to 16 weeks, but as soon as I am capable, my family and I are eager to come and visit.



Hi TH.

Thanks for writing, TH. It is good to hear that you are recovering well. We are excited about meeting you and your family at some point.

As for tithing, if you are not tithing now, I hope that does not mean that you are spending God’s money on yourself until you decide to give it to God. A lot of people do that, and it is a foolish thing to do. Store it up until you know where God wants you to bring His tithes and offerings. It is a very good testimony for you that you feel the need to give God His tithes. Now you need to find out, from the Lord, to whom He wants you to bring them.

You may have seen on my web site that I do not accept any money from anyone until God has created sufficient fellowship between us, and until He has added that person to the flock to which I minister. As for me, I would rather wait until you have visited here and learned more about us and seen how we are. You need to know well the spirit of the man to whom you give God’s money.


Pastor John


My, my how can we ever separate ourselves from church religion?!  I guess Jesus will just keep having to move us farther away from that wall.   I agree with him that tithing in church religion is unscriptural.  I don’t believe it says one time to pay tithes to the church of your choice does it?  Oh Lord help your people.  Their feelings are so mixed up.
