Good Morning!
Could you explain Chapter 6 verse 4 in Genesis? It sounds a lot like Greek Mythology. Who are the sons of God?
: )
Hi Beth!
Here is Genesis 6:4: “There were giants on earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God went in to the daughters of man. And they bore them children, and they were mighty men, men of renown, from long ago.”
The book of Genesis pre-dates all Greek mythology, and it is easy to see where Greeks got the ideas for many of their myths. They have flood stories, which are just perversions of the true flood story, etc. So, your comment would better be put like this: Greek myths sound a lot like Genesis 4:6″ instead of “Genesis 6:4 sounds a lot like Greek myths.”
We know that the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6 are not angels because Jesus said that angels do not marry. Instead, they are men who were righteous and who were seduced by ungodly women of this world, “the daughters of men”.
Thanks for the question. I think that we all have wondered about that as we learned the Bible.
Pastor John