
Pastor John,

When someone is under the influence of a wrong spirit, is this the same as being demon-possessed?


No, but being influenced by an evil spirit is the first step toward being possessed by that spirit, much the same way that kids playing with a Ouija board have taken the first step toward witchcraft, or puffing on some weed could lead to heroin addiction. Addiction may be a long way down the road, and may never happen, but smoking the weed is a step in that direction.


Looking up the word “demon”, I came across several scriptures that made demon possession and receiving the spirit of antichrist sound very similar. Mat. 9:32, for example: when the dumb man (like a man who has received into his heart the spirit of antichrist) was brought to Jesus, and the demon was cast out and the dumb spoke (like a man who has heard and believed the truth, and begins to speak in tongues).


The similarity cannot be dismissed. And taking in the doctrine of the antichrist is to submit to the influence of that evil spirit. But those possessed with the evil spirit of antichrist are those higher up on the Christian ladder than just sitting in the congregation. Those possessed would more likely be found among the guys who wear dresses with big crosses on them, and have those tall, pointy hats on their heads. Those guys are scary.


Thank God for Skype!



Amen! Glad you could join us last night. It was a special night.

Pastor John



A thought came to me yesterday about wrong or evil spirits. When a person dies who was influenced or was being used by those spirits, those spirits do not die with that person. Those spirits move on to another person who has a weakness, or is already showing similar traits. And that could end up worse for the person they overtake.

Jimmy P.


That’s right, Jimmy. It is obvious that the safest route for any of us to take is just to stay under the wing of Jesus and let him deal with the powers of darkness.
