At the Speed of Life

Brother John, I am convinced that going too fast through life is the quickest way to ruin it. The only real reason that I am ever rushing through anything, is because I lack the faith to believe that God will keep me afloat if I slow down. This world and the spirits in it are moving at a whirlwind speed. They know that they are running out of time. God is not running out of time for anything, and His children always have time to enjoy the life they have been given and the task they have been given at that time. I have time to live today.

I am going to move at the speed of LIFE and go enjoy sister Gwen. Have a good evening.



Hi Jerry.

Sounds like a good idea to me. Tell Sister Gwen I said hello.

As for here, we are getting together in about an hour to read the introduction to the Apostate Fathers book. If it passes inspection, we are really finished with it, and we can move on to something else.
