Hi Pastor John,
How do I get baptized with the Holy Spirit? How do I pray in the Spirit? PLEASE HELP ME.
Dear Litia,
The Bible tells us exactly what to do to receive the Spirit, and that is, repent and believe the gospel. Repentance is a matter of the heart, and it can take a while for some people because our flesh resists it. It would have us believe we have repented when we have not. Many well-meaning Christian ministers ignorantly work with the flesh and tell people they have repented before they have fully done so. But knowing men would arise and do that, God provided a sign so that we could know for ourselves when our repentance is complete and that He has accepted it: the baptism of the holy ghost. And from everything I can tell in the Bible and outside the Bible, God’s proof that a person has received the baptism is that they begin speaking in tongues (or have “stammering lips” as the Bible says it).
Believe in God’s witness that you have fully repented, Litia, and wait for it. Only God knows your heart, and He will give you His Spirit when your repentance is complete.
Pastor John