
I loved what you said about “waiting” the other night, referring to this scripture, 

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.”

You said we can even fly while we are waiting, hovering in the air like an eagle.   I had never thought of flying (or getting strong) as “waiting”, but then again, we don’t know how to do anything, even wait, unless Jesus helps us.  Mama used to have this scripture on our bathroom mirror to encourage us when we were young, so I have read it many times.   But I never thought that flying could be waiting!  I looked up YouTube clips of eagles hovering and I like this one:


I liked how the eagle is flying alone until another joins him.   I loved the tenderness of what you said, that when one of us has to wait, we all have to wait.  God teach me how to wait YOUR way!
