Watch the news or not?

RE:  A recent article you wrote.



Below is a quote from a recent article you wrote about a conversation you had with a young man you met at Yellowstone:

 “I had to ask myself, ‘Am I as dedicated to my calling in Christ, and free from interest in this world’s vanities, as that young man was?’  He was not in the least attracted to or interested in the latest political scandal, or “important” sporting event, or rumors of war, no matter what countries it involved.

To help me have a clearer and correct understanding of the point you are making, please explain how what you say below fits in with your father’s testimony about the Lord wanting him to watch the news and be aware of current events.



Hi Wendell.

That is a good question, one which I considered dealing with in that article itself, but I decided to wait to see if anyone would ask it.  Thanks for bring it up.

The young man to whom I spoke was completely committed to the life he had chosen, so committed that he refused to allow his heart to be troubled or his mind cluttered with information about the “world outside the park”.  I felt challenged by his whole-hearted approach to life.  Am I as whole-hearted in my service to Jesus?  Or do worldly things distract me?

That was the good that I saw in what the young man said.  It went no further than that.  I still believe, as my father taught me, that God’s children need to know what is going on in the world at large, and at the same time, have enough faith in God to obey Jesus’ command to, “let not your hearts be troubled.”

I hope that explains what I meant in the article to which you referred.
