Dear Pastor John,
What is your take on 1 Corinthians 3:10-15? Paul seems to imply here that one who has been born again might live a life that is NOT about seeking and doing the perfect will of the Lord (building wood, hay and straw on the foundation), but still be saved (“the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved; even though only as one escaping through the flames”). So is it possible for one to live a life in which he/she keeps a saving faith in the Savior, but does not live for eternal things, but rather to store up earthly treasures? Isn’t that what this part of the Scripture seems to suggest? Thank you for your reply!
Zoli Bak
Dunaujvaros, Hungary
Dear friend,
Thank you for the question.
Paul is referring specifically to sincere believers who teach wrong things about Jesus and practice vain religious works, and yet they live morally upright lives. In that case, they themselves may be judge worthy to be saved in the end, but they will receive no reward for all their religious work. It will all have been in vain.
May God grant us the grace to both live holy lives and minister the gospel acceptably!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor John