Pastor John,
I came to my room to read with the thought of reading in Luke but when I opened my bible I stopped at Mark 16:17-18. I read the scriptures and then got my print out of your translation and read again.
I kept having a question come to mind. If the bible says “these signs shall follow them that believe,” and we don’t see these happening among us, what does that mean? Does this mean “all” of these signs, or occasionally 1 or 2 of them? Or should these signs should be an occurrence that happens daily among believers?
Hi Michelle.
Good question.
Jesus is describing how it will be among those who truly believe in him. Obviously, these things do not happen all the time among us or God’s people as a whole. Jesus is just saying, “If you want to find those who truly belong to me, look for these signs.”
Having said that, I hasten to add that when the body of Christ is healthy, these signs will be seen much more than they are seen today in the body of Christ. God’s people at this time in history, as a whole, are plundered, divided, confused, and spiritually weak. We need a visitation from the Lord to restore order in his earthly family, and that order comes through the working of His mighty power in His people.
Pray for God’s people everywhere. We are sick.
Pastor John