from the web site

Pastor John:

I have a few questions for you.

1) Do women have to wear dresses?

It’s better than nothing.  Also better than nothing are women’s slacks, decent shorts at the appropriate times and places, and bathing suits (but not in grocery stores or doctor’s offices).

2) Must they keep their hair long?

Just until they cut it.

Long hair for women was, as Paul himself said, a natural state for women and a custom of his time. Only if a woman cuts her hair because she thinks she’s a man is there a problem. Shorter hair is much easier to manage; it is silly to demand that women never cut their hair.

3) If I was baptised already, do I have to get baptised again when I join a new church?

Is the new church’s water less contaminated than the first?

The point is that water baptism is worthless, no matter where you have it done.  The only reason for anyone to be re-baptized is to get physically cleaner than you already are.  Spiritually, water baptism it means nothing to God or anyone else in heaven.  There is much on my web site about this subject if you are interested.


4) I have broken every commandment at some point in my life… can I ever truly be forgiven?

You are bragging. Nobody has ever broken all the commandments.

The flesh boasts itself in many clever ways. Some folks claim they have sinned too much that God will not forgive them. That’s just pride, as if we are so mighty with out sin that even God can’t fix us.

So, my friend, get over yourself. Have faith in Jesus and repent. You aren’t that great a sinner.

Pastor John