Hey John,
The section about Haman in the Father and Son book is so good!! I love seeing the Son hidden in the shadows of these Old Testament stories, but I also know that seeing Jesus hidden in these Old Testament stories didn’t just happen. I think about the times when you studied your Bible through the years and sought God on your face for understanding, and he gave it to you! You then not only passed that gold on to us, but you put it out there for others through books and tracts and radio broadcasts, and teaching community college classes, and the internet!
When someone asked you one time how you knew the Bible so well, you thought about it, and then realized it was simply because you believed it! I love that! It takes humility to believe what Jesus is teaching us! I just have to shake my head when I think about all he has taught us, through you. What Lou says is so true, “I can’t believe I believe this, y’all!” I feel so thankful!
I can’t help but feel that God Had a Son before Mary Did, a book full of one revelation after another, is a result of years of humble seeking, and then believing when the answers came. It’s amazing that every time you have thought the book was finished, Jesus would give you something else so good that it just had to be added to the book! So, eight years and almost 500 pages later, here we are! (I have a lump in my throat, just writing that!) What a gift! I believe if we will stay humble and thankful, he has much more to teach us.
I do have a question after our discussion on Sunday night about whether or not Jesus knew Satan was evil at the time of the
Temptation, and the section you sent us tonight, “The Act of Bowing”. I agree that it doesn’t seem as much like a temptation if Jesus already knew that Satan was evil. But reading tonight about the parallels between Jesus not bowing to Satan because he knew how God felt about Satan, just like Mordecai had refused to bow to wicked Haman because he knew how God felt about Haman, leaves me wondering what Jesus knew about Satan at the time of the Temptation. If Jesus knew how his Father felt about Satan, would that mean that he knew Satan was evil?
Lee Ann
What a perceptive question, Lee Ann! Thank you for that! I can’t publish the book until that important issue is resolved. . . . But then again, maybe there is no answer, kind of like the predestination/free will debate. Hmmm.
Stay tuned.
Pastor John