Pastor John,
If you could, sometime explain briefly “The Abomination of Desolation”. I use to think it was what Paul was referring to when I believed the Futuristic view of prophecy! But then I concluded it happened in AD 70 based on the area of Judea being included in the prophecy. But I heard you say that the Abomination is “the Antichrist in the hearts of believers” like Paul taught.
Not that big of a deal. I’m just interested.
John C.
Hi John
“The abomination of desolation” refers to the spirit of antichrist, which God’s people receive into their hearts when they are persuaded that they were born again before they received the baptism of the holy Ghost. It is the spirit of Satan, which makes the soul desolate of the wisdom and goodness of God, replacing those holy things with the darkness of vain tradition.
Hope that helps.
Pasto John