Hey John,
I really enjoyed the meetings this weekend. The songs you sang, what sweet feelings. The tract on Stir Up The Gift Of God was wonderful too. I love the part in there where you said that’s the answer for everything. I had been reading Matthew and I am glad we are beginning to read through your translation. I had a question on 4:1, 5, 8, & 11. There, you used the word “Accuser” but in verse 10 you used “Satan”, and I was wondering why.
Hi Jr.
I spent a lot of time on this, and the decision was not easy. Thanks for asking about it. I will give you a brief answer. I hope it will do.
Wherever you see the word “Accuser”, the Greek word diabolos is in the original text. Wherever you see the word “Satan” in my translation, a different Greek word is in the text, the actual name, “Satan”.
The usual translation of diabolos is “Devil”, but I decided not to go with that because the word “Devil” is so full of Christian mythological baggage that “Devil” doesn’t help the Reader understand the evil creature that is being referred to. Satan’s ancient role in heaven, and now on earth, is “the Accuser of the brethren”. So, instead of “Devil”, I translated diabolos as “Accuser”.
Pastor John