Old Meeting CD

Brother, John,

What an honor to be listening to these ​Old Meeting ​CDs​! ​ The simplicity of the Gospel and feeling the power of God from these older saints stirs up faith.​ ​ As I was saying on the front porch last evening​ after hearing one of them​, ​e​ven though we ​have ​had some wonderful experiences over the years with God’s power, I felt like a 2nd grader at times l​i​stening to these wonderful testimonies. ​ ​Without the power of God wor​k​ing in our lives, ev​e​ry price we’ve paid is in vain​! We must have it working in our lives now​!​

Thank you!!!!

​Billy​ M


We have made copies of one of Preacher Clark’s great sermons from late 1971, and made notes to go along with the CD, to help the listeners understanding the words better. The CDs and Notes will be available tonight at our Wednesday night meeting for all who want them, and I would love to get the message with the Notes posted on the Pioneer Tract Society web page. It is a soul-stirring message about 55 minutes long. We need the wisdom and faith that comes through Preacher Clark’s message!

​Pastor John