Imitating Speaking in Tongues

Pastor, Hi.

Is it possible that u only mimicked tongues as a child?  Thank u.



Hi Jeff,

I do not know if your question means did I, personally, mimic speaking in tongues as a toddler, or if you are asking about children in general who are around Pentecostal meetings.  As for me, I wouldn’t remember if I did that or not, since I assume you are talking about children of a very early age, but I may have done so, and that would have been perfectly normal.  All children imitate their parents’ behavior, to some extent.  I remember at least two of my four children imitating speaking in tongues when they were small, and over the years, I have seen other children do that.  It is sweet to see it.

So, the answer your question is, yes, it is possible.

Pastor John