George C. Clark Question

Hi Pastor John,

I’ve been reading the George C. Clark story again and just finished the story of Sister Pyver and the dream your dad had of the grinding stone. The building into which the polished stones were being placed by the angel represented those who were “established in Christ”.  How do you know when you have become established in Christ?



Hi Michelle,

I imagine there are many ways the Lord lets a person know he is established. Sister May B. in Louisville, now with the Lord, told me of being established when my father laid hands on her in about 1935.  She was on her thirties then, and lived until she was very old, steady and grounded in Christ the whole time.  Sister Briley was established in her old age, in large part, by reading the manuscript of my book, Suffering and the Saints before it was published. After she was established (unknown to me), I went to visit her, and when I walked in her front door, I felt something I had never felt around her.  She was lying in bed, very feeble, but the glory of God filled her home so much you could feel it before you saw her!

I am sure others have their own testimonies, but the only sure thing about being established is this:  There are many more whom think and claim they are established in Christ than there are who have experienced the work of God in their souls that truly established them.

Pastor John