Touching Jesus


hi pasor john,

I’ve been thinking again and have a question.  jesus told mary, in john 20:17 not to touch him for he had not yet ascended.  However, in matthew 28:9,  jesus appeared to both marys, and they fell at his feet holding his feet worshiping him.  why didnt jesus tell them not to touch him.  in matthew account of what happened.

thanks rob s.

Hi Rob:

That is a good question, one that we all ponder over, once we understand that the sacrifice of Christ took place in heaven after his ascension, not on earth on the cross.

There is no clear-cut answer, either.  This is how the relevant events of that resurrection morning seemed to have played out:

As Matthew says, Mary Magdalene and another Mary, as well as a woman named Salome (Mark 16:1), and Joannah and other women (Luke 24:10), came together to Jesus’ tomb early the morning that Jesus rose from the dead.  When an angel appeared to them and commanded them to go tell the disciples that Jesus had risen, the women left but met Jesus in the way.  When he greeted them, they all fell down and held his feet and worshiped him.  John’s account indicates that Mary Magdalene later returned to the tomb with the disciples who came to see if it was a true report the women had brought them.

That is when we find Mary alone, weeping at the tomb of her beloved Jesus.  When he revealed himself to he, she came toward him, and that is when Jesus told her not to touch him.  The reason he gave to Mary for this (that he had not yet ascended) does not explain why he allowed others at other times to touch him, including Mary herself and the women on their way to tell the disciples, and Thomas, whom Jesus invited to put his fingers into his wounded side (Jn. 20:27).

Jesus’ reason for allowing so many to touch him after his resurrection, but not Mary at that particular moment at the tomb, is one of those questions, Rob, that I just have to leave on my mental shelf until God grants me understanding.  I have no answer.

At any rate, I have said many times before that I will have succeeded as a teacher when and if I bring those who hear me to the point where they have the same questions I have.  It sounds as if, so far, I am doing a pretty good job with you.

Thanks for writing.  Sorry I couldn’t give you a fuller answer, but that really is the best I can do with that one.

Pastor John


this is great pastor john

when i sent you an email last night about jesus talking to mary about “dont touch me ive not yet ascened”, i had been looking for scripture that would show me where jesus did something as the high priest.  but after reading this, i found my answer — it was all in spiritual sacrifice

thanks   robert