John 3:34

What does “for God gives him the Spirit without measure.” mean?  



Hi Damien,

That verse means that we either have the Spirit or we don’t.  (The “him” is not there in the Greek, as you know.)  In general, it means that God either gives His Spirit or He doesn’t.  For God’s people, it shows them that there is no “saved, sanctified, and (then) filled with the holy Ghost”, as many of them claim.  A person is either born again or he is not.

Pastor John


I guess if we received the holy Ghost first, without being baptized with it (as the Assembly of God and other denominations teach), and get the rest later at Spirit baptism, then that would be receiving the holy Ghost WITH measure (i.e. you just get part first, and a second “measure”, later)



Yes. That was my point.  It just never happens like that.

Pastor John