Morning Pastor John!
Lately, I have noticed a change in me. When I was in the world, I loved people. I loved to talk to them. I loved to just be around people. I was a waitress for a few years, and I was good at small talk. Now, I feel like the entire world is just saying “BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.” I almost feel a cringe-like feeling when I have to talk with people, usually at work.
I remember that when God very first started to really deal with me, I tried everything to get away from Him. I praise God that He did not let me. The more I pulled away, the louder God became. I even turned the faucet on in the bathroom to drown Him out! God got louder. Well, that’s how I feel like the world’s “BLAH BLAH BLAH” is. I feel like the more they talk, the louder the BLAH becomes.
I know Jesus does separate us from the world. Jesus took all the desires to be part of this world out of my heart (I pray it’s all out, anyway), but shouldn’t I care for them and want them to come to Jesus?
Am I wrong pastor John for feeling like this? What is wrong with me? I feel like I used to really love people. Now, I feel indifferent. I would never want to see any one hurt, but I don’t really feel a need to reach out to them about Jesus. It just scares me. I know Jesus will put someone in front of us if He wants is to do something but shouldn’t I feel some kind of something for them?
I don’t know about this. I don’t want anything in my heart that would make God unhappy. If there is something wrong in my heart please pray for me. I want to be prepared and pleasing to Jesus when He visits.
B. D.
Hi B. D.
You still love people, but now, you see where they really are and how empty all humans are without God. You used to love the “BLAH BLAH BLAH”, and that is actually what is missing now. The next level in your spiritual growth will be to realize that you still love people in spite of what you can now see about them, the way Jesus loved us in our foolish blindness. It will happen. Just keep following Jesus. He will take you there. He will show you that the new creature he has made you loves people the way God does – and sees them as He does.
Pastor John