1000 Year Reign

Hi John,

When the righteous reign with Christ during the 1000 yr reign, who will we be reigning over?  Doesn’t the 1000 years start after cataclysmic events that kill most everyone?

In regards to current state of our world, I have been comforted knowing that God is in control, and everything that is happening is happening under his control. Is that true? When you prayed the other day for Obama and our government, I was confused about how we should feel.

While I pray for my babies and their babies and their spiritual condition and future, are we to pray for the direction that our country takes? I have felt that God is using Obama to do exactly what he is doing.

Would love your correction on this.

Hope all is well!



Hi, Patty.

Good to hear from you!

According to the prophets, though billions will have been killed by the plagues and disasters that precede Jesus’ return, there will be nations still on earth after he comes.  Ezekiel even says that 1/6 of the Beasts’ army will survive the gruesome Battle of Armageddon (Ezek. 39:2) at the end of which blood flows about five feet deep for two hundred miles (Rev. 14:20).  Those nations and surviving soldiers are the people over which the Lord and his saints will reign for a thousand years.

As for praying for the leaders of the nation, we are commanded to do that, for God is the One who puts those people in office, the best ones as well as the worst ones.  He uses them all for His inscrutable purposes, and we had best not interfere with His work.  We pray for our rulers because, according to Paul, we may have peace in our time by doing so (1Tim. 2:1-2).  Other than that, God’s obedient children stay out of politics and pray for whoever is cursed by God to be made a ruler of this world before Jesus returns.

Pastor John