How the Disciples Died

Hey Pastor John,

I hope you’re feeling well today. I have a quick question pertaining to the disciples. I was reading about St. Peter’s Basilica online and it said that Peter was crucified. I had never heard of this before. I then looked up the disciples, and it said that six of the 12 were eventually crucified. Where do people get this information? I had never heard anything like this before and was wondering if it was true or not.
Thank you for your time,



Hi Jonathan.

We cannot trust the stories handed down to us by Christians who lived shortly after the apostles, such as the stories you mentioned dealing with how and when Jesus’ disciples died.  Early Christianity was an apostate faith, filled with superstition and mythology.  It may be that Peter was crucified, but the fact that early Christians said so is no proof of it.

In the last chapter of John, Jesus gave an enigmatic clue concerning how Peter would die, but nobody can figure out from that clue exactly what kind of martyrdom Peter suffered.

Thanks for the question.

Pastor John