A Question About Satan



Hey Brother John,

I was listening to one of the chapter cd’s regarding the Father and Son book today and it gendered a question.  

Although the Son was hidden from him, do you think that Satan may have been aware of the existence of an empty throne?

When John was taken up into heaven for his revelation, he saw no throne beside God’s, ready for another person (i. e., the Son).  So, I am not sure there ever has been an empty one.

After this question came to my mind, I pondered it, and these are some things I thought of.

Being “full of wisdom” it seems unlikely that Satan would have thought it possible to sit on a throne with God unless there was already one available and unoccupied.  It seems to be too great a thought to have it come to him “out of the blue” so to speak.  Even for someone full of pride it seems that he would have to be provoked to aim that high.  In the book of Esther, Haman was full of himself but his ambitions didn’t peak until he thought that both the king and Esther thought as highly of him as he did.  If Satan did have knowledge of a empty throne, and thought of himself as Haman did himself, then he would have seen himself as the only one worthy to occupy such a place.  When the Son was suddenly revealed and was told by God to sit down at his right hand then he would have felt cheated, mistreated, and furious toward the one who, in his eyes, stole his rightful place.

Billy H.


Yes, all that could have been true about what Satan thought, but an empty throne did not need to be there in order for him to be aware of the possibility of reigning with God.
