Pastor John,
I was reading your book on Speaking in tongues at Spirit Baptism ( ). It lead me to your web site. (The book was great)
I have read over some of the comments and information on your site . I would like to continue to read and study your info as the Holy Ghost leads me, but a question. Do you believe that all your findings is Law or absolute?? I was reading the water baptism articles, it seems it seems to be a bit confusing. Water doesn’t save, but in Romans 6:3-4, it talk about us being buried into his death and rising in the newness of life. Wouldn’t water baptism be symbolic to as in Romans 6:3-4. If not where can I find it meaning something different??
I have a few more question I will send later keep up the good work . God bless you
Pastor G. Moore
Dear friend, greetings in Jesus’ precious name!
Thank you for writing. I look forward to hearing from you again with your other questions.
The baptism to which Paul is referring in Romans 6 is not a water baptism. It is the baptism of the Spirit. This is true also of 1Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 4:5, Colossians 2:12, Galatians 3:27, and 1Peter 3:21. No form of water baptism can bring us into fellowship with the death of Christ, or raise us up to new life, bury us with him, or put us into the body of saints, or give us “the answer of a clear conscience toward God”.
I do hope that this helps clarify what I am teaching. Please, let’s continue this dialogue.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor John