
Hi Pastor John:

Is Michael the only righteous angel that is ruling on the Earth? It sure seems that way.



Yes, Billy.  That is the case.  The spiritual powers that are over the nations are all evil, especially Satan, “the god of this world”.  Israel’s prince, Michael, is faithful.

Pastor John


Michael is the ONLY ONE?  Is there any scripture about that?



There are many angels that God may send from heaven to earth to minister for His children.  They are all good.  The archangel Michael is the only prince of a nation, however, who is faithful, and he has many angels under him in that capacity.  The Bible mentions “Michael and his angels”, just as it does “the devil and his angels”.

Pastor John


Well, I wasn’t thinking of the ones under him but that is an interesting thought.  I just never thought about him being the *only* good archangel in the world.  Why is he the only good one?  How do we know that?  Have I missed something obvious here?



As to why Michael was the only prince over the nations who remained faithful to God, I can’t say.  That is a matter of the heart.

The best biblical indication of such is the case, however, is what an angel once told Daniel.  He said (Dan.10:21), “I will show you that which is noted in the scripture of truth.  And there is none that stands with me in these things, but Michael your prince.” This angel was not speaking of angels in heaven standing with him in truth; nor was he speaking of humans.  In the verse from Daniel that preceded that one, the angel was talking about spiritual princes over nations, Greece and Persia in particular.

You can read the section which deals with this in Chapter 7 of my online book, God Had a Son before Mary Did.  It is titled, “Princes over the Nations” .  That might help clear things up for you.

Pastor John