Psalm 22:20

Hi John! 

Reading in psalms 22:20. What does the word “darling” mean here?

Thank you for your help!:0)


PS  And, are we ” the people that shall be born”?  (In verse 31?)



Hi Patty!

The word translated “darling” in Psalm 22:20 is normally translated “only” or “only one”.  And there is a “my” attached to it.  I don’t know why the KJV has it as “my darling”, other than how that word was used in 1611.  Literally, it is “my only one”, but since the word “life” is used in the first half of the verse, most modern translations have “my precious life” or “my only life”, which is a reasonable translation.

Pastor John

PS  Yes, those who receive the Spirit are the people that David, in spirit, foretold would be born.  And yes, that is awesome!
