Knowledge of Good and Evil

Good morning!

I found myself singing this old song in my heart this morning, “Some day, some happy day, from sin set free.  I’ll be with Christ forever, some day, some day”.  I got to thinking about being in heaven and I remembered a scripture that stated something like “the former things would not be remembered or come to mind”.  And then a question came to mind.  When we get to the new earth, will knowledge of good and evil be taken away?  Or, will we be so much like Jesus that knowledge of such will simply become irrelevant?

Billy H.


Hi Billy.

Isaiah said, “The former things will not come to mind.”  And in Revelation, we are told that God will wipe away all tears, which means, I assume, that He will take away from us the memory of loved ones who refused to obey the gospel of Christ and were cast into the Lake of Fire.  Otherwise, how could we ever be happy?

Other than that, we are told little about what we will be allowed to remember. It makes me want to cry now, while I can, for those who are not living in the will of God.

Pastor John