Revelation Question

Hi John,

I have a question for you.  Are the events of Armageddon described elsewhere in the bible besides Revelation?  Seems to me that Ezekiel and perhaps Zechariah referred to it, or something like it, but I can’t find it.

I thought there was reference to Meggido or something like that, but I couldn’t find anything substantial on that.  Or am I just remembering Christian prophecy teaching from my past, and it’s not there at all?



The battle of Armageddon (the word, “Armageddon” is the transliteration of two Hebrew words that mean, “hill of Megiddo”) is fought at the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth.  It is mentioned in Revelation 16, and is also mentioned in the last half of Revelation 19.  You should be able to find more on that great battle in Ezekiel 39, and parts of Zechariah 12-14, though not by the name, “Armageddon”.

As for the final battle against evil, the one that takes place at the end of Jesus’ millennial reign, you can read Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 38.
