Revelation Reading

Good morning!

Gary’s testimony of his dream, Darren’s new song, and especially the reading in Revelation last night was so filling; it was rich and satisfying. It’s kind of like a Thanksgiving meal; you know you’re full, but you want that extra piece of turkey or dressing just a little while after you eat. I’m sure most of us, if not all of us, left the meeting wanting more.

The experiences we have with the Spirit, make the scriptures come alive, and make you feel alive.



Good morning, John.

Even though Dee and I watched the meeting on streaming, we are thankful to be a part of what we heard last night.

Very thankful for what God has revealed to you over the years and that you have clung to this Truth because of your experiences. Nothing can take those from you or us.

Wonderful message on mercy. God grant us mercy on anyone who has fallen away, repented and wishes to return. I wish they would all come back. That would be a glorious day!!!

Jim K


Hey Pastor John,

I loved the reading in Revelation last night.  I especially loved reading about and trying to envision the image of Jesus that John saw (this brought tears to my eyes) and trying to image Jesus’ voice being like the sound of many waters. 

I also liked the verses at the end of some of the messages that advised the reader to listen to the words Jesus sent to the Assemblies, and if the reader will listen and will overcome, then he will receive a stone with a name on it, and be able to eat from the tree of life, and will not be harmed by the Second Death. 

I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed.

Thank you! Anna


Hi John,

I have been reading the feedback from folks, and they echo my sentiments too.

My favorite part of last night though was hearing you tell how Jesus gave you your message on Revelation to the pastors, and how Jesus spoke in your heart with His voice, and so forth.  I remember you saying how a man can only teach his experiences, and whenever I hear you tell those stories of what God did for you, or spoke to you, I feel like I always learn something new.  It’s like the new birth – there is always a new angle on the gem so to speak, and it never gets old.

We are blessed.  I’m so thankful that Jesus got in touch with you, and you got in touch with Him.  Those experiences have made all the difference in my life; that I know.
