
Good morning Pastor John!

I woke up an hour early this morning with the sweetest thoughts of this weekend. Replaying different moments with my brothers and sisters the hugs, conversations, and just sitting near them. After lunch with more sweet family yesterday, Michelle and I watched the video of her first visit, and then we babysat little Webers, and watched the meeting from Sunday morning. I left her at 8:30 pm and I was still not ready for our day to end. Jesus gave me such a full life that is full of gold like Darren’s song. I truly could not fit anymore in yesterday because I ran out of earthly time. Oh to think one day there will be no more time limits on worshiping God!

Just to really take in that this is my sweet family; this is God’s family and that He really put me here is so full in my heart this morning. I am going to work with sweet moments of my brothers and sisters sewn into my heart. I really feel like Jesus sewed them in, like they are part of me.

‘“Who are my mother and my brothers?’ he asked.

Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers!  Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother ( Mark 3:33-34).’”


P.S. Plus, who else can say they are related to a bird, a worm and a seal!!!