Pastor John,
Do you believe that God will accept same sex marriages into heaven? If so, give me the scriptures where it is found in the Bible.
Willie M.
Hi Willie.
Thanks for the question. It is an easy one to answer.
True marriage is an act of God, not of man, and God will never marry a man to a man, or a woman to a woman. Only wicked people on earth do that, and the fact that such people dress in religious robes and claim to be serving God, and claim that God approves of their perverse wickedness, means nothing. In God’s eyes, there is no such thing as man married to a man, or a woman married to a woman, and whoever teaches and acts contrary to that truth will be damned in the Final Judgment by the God they falsely claim to serve.
Pastor John
What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? Click on the link below to read Pastor John’s gospel tract titled, Homosexuality and the Bible.
…and for further study, the gospel tract, Unequally Yoked in Marriage may be of interest to you: