Please tell me if there is a group of people somewhere in my area that could be fellowship for me. I live in Gulfport MS on the Gulf Coast. My spirit tells me that every word I am reading is true. I have the baptism in the Holy Ghost since 1980 and once attended a oneness church like UPC. I have always felt most churches just had to be getting some things wrong. Now, I know why. Thanks for any help you can let me know about. I really do miss fellowship but I just can’t attend the mainstream churches anymore.
Hi Sister E—-.
Thank you for writing!
You have no idea how many emails I have gotten just like yours over the years. I wish I knew of a place in every town in every country where God’s children are fed the unadulterated truth. But we rejoice just to hear a voice like yours who can even recognizes the truth when they hear it! As a result, we have people who drive/fly here from places across the country to be in our meetings and to visit, just to be fed a meal that is not tainted, to experience the glorious fellowship that is in a body as a whole that is walking in the light, and just to be refreshed. One man even moved his family here from Australia to help us get this message out. He is the web master of the web site
I have known some ministers who were taught the truth, but they were either afraid to teach it for fear of losing their job, or they refused to believe it. But as for a group of believers anywhere who are walking together in the light, other than here and in Louisville, KY, I haven’t found one yet. We will send you some CD’s from our meetings if you would like to hear them, and of course, if you are ever in this area, you are more than welcome to come visit us!
Pastor John
“When a lie becomes the norm, normal people become liars.”
Pastor John
You are not saying that Louisville, KY is the only place that the truth is being taught are you???
Bishop Elect George E. Moore, Sr.
Not at all, sir. Not at all. Truth can be heard from almost every pulpit on the planet, regardless of the denomination. What I was talking about was the unadulterated truth. This includes, but is not limited to:
1) Every person in a congregation understanding that the baptism of the holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues is the new birth — and rejoicing in that knowledge.
2) No ceremonies are ever practiced, but God is worshiped only in spirit and in truth, as the Lord said. This includes such ceremonies as water baptism (“There is one baptism”), ceremonial meals (our communion is in the holy Ghost).
3) No holy days observed, for Christ put the holiness within us, no on a calendar.
4) No specialized religious garments to set apart one man, or a group of men or women, from others, including choir robes.
5) An anointed leader guides the congregation, and no titles granted by a religious organization.
6) Every member renders his tithes to God and his offerings without being begged for it.
7) No ministers are hired or fired. The Christian system of hiring and firing ministers is of the world, not God.
Hope this gives you an idea of what I am talking about when I say it is difficult to find a place where the UNADULTERATED truth is taught and enforced.
Do you have such a place where you are?
Pastor John
“When a lie becomes the norm, normal people become liars.”