Well Sir,
Yes it does sound a little self righteous, and maybe you’re not, but your tone can be miss leading. I don’t agree with some of your findings, but I do agree that one will speak with tongues when they receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Self-righteousness is what we can do for ourselves without the Spirit, such as practice ceremonies and dress up our flesh with religious clothing, and baptize with water, etc. It is God’s righteousness that will save us if anything does.
Hopefully, my tone in saying that does not come across as ungodly in any way. Please do not my plain speech with arrogance. I am just trying to be understood, sir.
I think some things will not matter such as whether one wears a robes or not.
No, it doesn’t affect whether or not your heavenly Father, or anyone who truly knows Him, loves you. But it dishonors Christ, just as other religious ceremonial acts do. It does this by saying, in works rather than words, that the robes which Christ purchased for us with his blood, the robes of righteousness and praise, are not enough to satisfy us. It is wiser, and it pleases the Father more, if we honor the Son by letting him put on us all the religious clothing that we need.
I do believe in sanctification living a holy Life after the example of Christ.
Amen! And may God increase our power and knowledge to do that together, for His glory!
Truth is Judge not that we be not judge Matt 7:1.
That commandment is no more the truth than is this one: “Judge righteous judgment” John 7:24.
It seems that you judge a lot in your teachings.
I judge every situation and every person I meet every day, and so do you. The only issue is, do I judge after the flesh and, so, break Jesus’ commandment of Matthew 7:1, or do I judge after the Spirit and, so, keep Jesus’ commandment of John 7:24?
Moreover, if we truly are men of God, then the words we speak are truly from God (Jn. 3:34), and those words judge every person who hears them, just as Jesus’ words did (Jn. 12:48). They are judging you right now. You are not judging them.
I’m not trying to be argumentative,
Argument is fine. It’s quarreling that God hates to see His children fall into.
but when you say all these things are wrong how can one be filled with the Holy Ghost? And I know for a fact that several people that I fellowship with are filled and have spoke as the spirit give the utterance. So what I am saying is this, if all these things you say are not the way or what every you call it. Why do other possess the Holy Ghost and yet enjoy just as you???
Because we receive the Spirit through faith, not through knowledge. There is no one who knows God when he first receives the Spirit. There is no one who knows good from evil (as he should know) when he first receives the Spirit. That degree of discernment belongs only “to those who are of full age” (Heb. 5:14).
You say you have truth They say they have truth I think the bible is truth.
But the Bible says that “the Spirit is truth.” And that is all that I am trying to get you to understand. Whatever form of worship is not of the Spirit is in the flesh, and the flesh has no part of worship in this new Covenant.
When you talk about not practicing the Lord supper Jesus said as oft as you do it do it in remembrance of me Matt. 26: 26-30 St. Luke 22:16-20, 1Corithians 11:23-26 ( Its not sin to practice and I am not talking about the catholic either)
I think what he said was “Do THIS [what he was doing] in remembrance of me”, not “Do that [what the disciples were doing] in remembrance of me. My book, “Spiritual Light would explain this for you in some detail. You can find it, I believe, at The Lord’s Supper was not the eating; that was the disciples supper. Its the only kind of supper they could have with the Lord because they did not yet have the Spirit.
Same thing concerning water Baptism when you look at Acts 8: 12-17 this was water baptism before receiving the Holy Ghost and Acts 10: 44-48, 19:1-7 Romans 6:3-8 after receiving the Holy Ghost
The book would explain all that for you, as well. But I will say here that Romans 6 has nothing to do with water. Paul didn’t preach that baptism for the Gentiles.
Then you talk about Christians according to what I read in Acts 11:26 speaks of the disciples being called Christians first in Antioch how can you say that Christianity is the worlds system?
But it does not say that the disciples called themselves that, and God never did. It was a term of ridicule, and Peter told the saints to rejoice if the world labeled them that way.
The world cannot be Christians the two are contrary one to the other.
Satan’s most successful lie in history is that if we belong to Christ, then we are a part of Christianity, the religion he invented after the days of the apostles. That lie has deceived the whole world, including every one of us who have loved Christ. But Jesus is liberating his people from that blindness. When he calls to his people to “Come out of her”, he is calling them out of that abomination that they have joined in the flesh, out of ignorance of what is truly right and wrong: Christianity.
Now I do know that many PROFESS to be Christians and are far from being Christ like. But we cannot discredit true Christians because of the world or false prophets etc… And start teaching our own opinions.
Catholicism is the original Christianity, and the daughters of that mother of harlots are the Protestant sects that came after her. The common foundation for them all is that they all hold that a person can be born of God without receiving the baptism of the holy ghost. And every man who is teaching that doctrine is antichrist (1Jn. 4:1-4) and is working for Christianity and against Christ, even if he does not yet know it, or want to be.
I like some of your teachings and think that it could be real powerful in a day that we live, but I don’t think one person know it all.
Amen. But if you know anything that will help me, I know I am willing to change. I have done it many times already, as Jesus has corrected me.
Nor do I believe that God is only working in your fellowship and the Kentucky Fellowship. God is not that small. He everywhere at the same time.
I never suggested any such thing. It is insulting that you suggest that I did. I know that God is everywhere, and I know He is using many men to bless His people everywhere they are. But I also know that He is here. And He has taught me things that, though hard for you to understand, are nonetheless true. And you would do well to stop resisting these things and take some time to pray about what I am telling you because they came from God.
Questions: have you ever did a study of where the garments came from?
Yes. God started the garment industry in the garden of Eden when he made Adam and Eve some clothes. (Just kidding.)
Seriously, ministerial vestments and the like were given to Israel’s priests and Levites until the Spirit came. Since then, God has ordained no such thing for His ministers.
Or why they wore them in the early day churches?
No apostle wore such clothing or ever suggested that anyone else should. Ministers in early Christianity did it because the religious system of Christianity is not of God. Is it any surprise, then, that ministers in Christianity do things that are not of God?
Also how do you dilute truth?
Wouldn’t truth be truth or if diluted it wouldn’t be truth?
Just asking !
You can mingle truth with lies, as Satan did to Eve, and as he is doing now, through ministers who do not know God yet. I will leave it to you to decide whether or not those who are feeding God’s people tainted meat “thinking to do God a service” are preaching the truth.
Just answering! 🙂
Be blessed.
Bishop Elect George E. Moore, Sr.
I hope in the blessing of the Lord, both for me and for you, and for all of God’s divided children.
Your servant,
Pastor John