Receiving the Holy Ghost

Hi Pastor John. 

I so desire to be filled with holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues but, I’m having a very hard time. I have been waiting for many years but I seem to not get it.

Can you help me? 

Emily M.

Avon, MA


Hi Emily.

God bless you!

The only requirements that I know of for anyone to receive the Spirit is to believe the gospel of Jesus and repent.  That sounds simple, but our fleshly nature can make it seem so hard and complicated.   It can tell us we have done all that we can do to please God when we are, in truth, holding on to something Jesus wants us to let go of.  When you pray, ask Jesus to help you see what he sees, so that you can do whatever he requires of you, without fear and without doubting.

He IS faithful, Emily, and everyone who asks really does receive.  So get ready!  And please do let us know when you receive the holy Ghost.  We want to rejoice with you.

Do you have a body of believers nearby that can help you pray?  If not, that’s OK.  A number of the best saints I ever knew received the Spirit while they were alone.  I cannot recommend that you go to any church that would tell you that you are born again before you receive the Spirit’s baptism.  But a home fellowship where there is faith and love would be great, off you can find one.

Pastor John